Market value assessment

The market or turnover value of a particular property is the realistically achievable value. This is the value that real estate should achieve in the free market. Only the assessment of the market value is realistic, which gets its confirmation with a small deviation in a shorter period of time on the same real estate market, assuming that the market is stable.
Who can better assess the market value and chances of a real estate market than those who are in the market every day and for whom the real estate market is in their blood. Our positive regulations and the Law on Real Estate Brokerage oblige the broker to give his clients, most often the seller, an opinion on the market value of his real estate.
Official real estate appraisals are entrusted to forensic experts who mostly come from the construction profession.
Our opinion on market value does not exclude the construction value of real estate, but is based solely on market and location elements, taking into account the experience and prices of real estate sold in the same or similar locations with full respect for the views and experiences of property owners.
To this end, we have developed auxiliary methods of assessing market value that can help each user of our services to form an opinion about the value and chances of his property in the market.